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    FDA 結果共579筆

  • Toxic pesticide found in Taitung food poisoning case

    Discover the latest on the Taitung mass food poisoning: tests confirm terbufos, a toxic pesticide, in millet dumplings. With three fatalities and ongoing investigations, learn more about the health implications and authorities’ response.
  • 美FDA核准!Novavax最新COVID疫苗針對JN.1變異株

    2024/08/31 17:17
  • FDA recalls 360 boxes of Alcon contact lenses in Taiwan

    Discover the latest on the recall of 360 boxes of Alcon contact lenses in Taiwan due to quality issues, affecting two products and aimed to be completed by Sept. 13. Learn about the safety measures and consumer advice.
    2024/08/28 16:00
  • 美FDA批准 輝瑞、莫德納更新版新冠疫苗

    2024/08/23 14:15
  • 美FDA批准輝瑞、莫德納新版Covid疫苗 專攻新變異株病毒

    2024/08/23 10:58
  • Taiwan to phase out Aprovel and Prozac starting November

    Discover why Taiwan’s FDA announced the phased exit of Aprovel and Prozac from the market starting in November, and how it plans to ensure uninterrupted patient care with alternative medications.
    2024/08/19 13:55
  • 15歲少年獲選《時代雜誌》年度兒童 研發肥皂治皮膚癌震撼醫界

    2024/08/18 11:35
  • FDA finds toxins in peanut powder and red yeast rice

    Discover the latest on food safety: Taiwan’s FDA found excessive mycotoxins in peanut powder and red yeast rice, posing health risks. Learn more about the actions taken and health implications.
    2024/08/08 20:00
  • 女性注意!歐美14牌衛生棉條驗出重金屬 恐滲入人體

    2024/07/06 18:01
  • CDC to decide on COVID-19 vaccine strain amid variant surge

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s COVID-19 vaccine strategy as the CDC plans to select a variant for the fall vaccination campaign amid rising cases and new FDA recommendations.
    2024/07/04 20:59
  • 抗阿茲海默症利器加一 美FDA批准禮來新藥Kisunla一年得花百萬

    對於阿茲海默症(Alzheimer)病患與其家人而言,又新增一款可抗衡病情的武器,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)2日正式批准,由禮來(Eli Lilly)研發的新藥Kisunla,該藥品可用於治療輕度與早期阿茲海默症。這也是繼2023年批准日本衛采製藥(Eisai)的Leqembi後,第二種被證實可延緩患者病情的有效藥物。
    2024/07/03 10:57
  • Taiwan faces IV fluid shortage, surgeries postponed

    Discover how Taiwan is addressing its intravenous fluid shortage, with hospitals halting surgeries and the MOHW promising supply improvements by July. Learn about the impact of Y F Chemical Corp’s production halt and the efforts to stabilize the situation.
    2024/07/01 18:03
  • 罐頭吃出人類斷指!腐爛竄黑斑 美女「吞一半狂嘔」崩潰

    近期美國抖音(TikTok)一段影片引起高度關注,一位名叫貝拉(Sophia Bella)的女子表示,自己在買來的綠豆罐頭快吃完時,才發現裡面有一根「疑似人類斷指」的異物,讓她瞬間反胃到不行,並透露已將事件通報給美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)。
    2024/06/28 13:24
  • 美國召回300款罐裝咖啡 疑遭汙染有「肉毒桿菌」中毒風險

    美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)日前宣佈,將對全美近300種罐裝咖啡祭出召回命令,主要是為了預防這些產品生產過程中,可能產生肉毒桿菌、導致消費者飲用後發生食物中毒。召回清單上完整列出上百種各式咖啡,全都來自威斯康辛州一家名為「Snapchill Coffee」的品牌,該公司在發現生產過程有瑕疵後,主動配合聯邦政府召回這些罐裝咖啡。
    2024/06/26 16:16
  • KP.2病毒株來襲!新冠升溫 美FDA要求藥廠更新疫苗

    2024/06/15 11:32
  • Saline solution shipment to ease Taiwan’s medical shortage

    Discover how Taiwan is tackling its saline solution shortage with the arrival of 100,000 bottles on June 12 and steps taken by the FDA to ensure medical supply continuity.
    2024/06/12 15:32
  • Taiwan FDA finds carcinogen in US sauces, orders destruction

    Discover why Taiwan’s FDA is destroying three U.S.-imported seasoning sauces, including a popular steak sauce, due to carcinogen ethylene oxide detection. Learn more about the safety measures.
    2024/06/11 11:50
  • YouBike service outage affects commuters nationwide

    Discover why Taiwan’s FDA is destroying three U.S.-imported seasoning sauces, including a popular steak sauce, due to carcinogen ethylene oxide detection. Learn more about the safety measures.
    2024/06/11 11:38
  • 知名礦泉水、果汁等28種飲料被美FDA召回 含「未揭露藥物與致癌物」

    2024/06/08 15:51
  • 張學友染的RSV每年奪全美1.4萬條人命! 美擴大疫苗施打年齡

    2024/06/08 10:13
  • 知名礦泉水「驗出細菌」!190萬瓶銷全球 業者急召回致歉

    台灣食安風暴引起社會關注,無獨有偶,知名礦泉水品牌「斐濟水(Fiji Natural Artesian Water)」也爆出,特定批次的產品未通過檢測、被驗出多達3種細菌,業者則在第一時間緊急收回190萬瓶並公開致歉,不過仍引起全球顧客的議論。
    2024/05/30 16:48
  • Taiwan orders recall of schizophrenia drug ABILIFY

    Taiwan’s FDA announces a recall of Otsuka America Pharmaceutical’s ABILIFY tablets due to contamination concerns after a notification from the U.S. FDA. The recall affects 1.789 million tablets of 5mg and 30mg doses across three batch numbers, used for treating schizophrenia and other disorders, after unclean production lines led to potential mixing with other pharmaceutical ingredients. The Taiwan FDA urges completion of the recall by May 26 and advises patients to seek alternative treatments.
    2024/05/07 18:04
  • FDA probes 54 cases linked to red yeast product

    Explore the ongoing controversy in Taiwan over Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s red yeast product, as the FDA investigates 58 cases of adverse reactions without confirmed causality, amidst reports of kidney disease and deaths in Japan. Taiwan responds with preventive recalls and consumer protection measures.
    2024/04/24 17:57
  • 最新醫療!「腦波電療」治憂鬱 AI驗結核病

    2024/04/19 19:57
  • 恐怖乾洗手使用恐昏迷、失明! 含「變性甲醇」美FDA急回收

    2024/04/09 14:07
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